Large additions to Common sense - addressed to the inhabitants of America, on the following interesting subjects. I. The American patriot's prayer. II. American independancy sic defended, by Candidus. III. The propriety of independancy sic, by Demophilus. Two lines fro Thompson IV. A review of the American contest, with some strictures on the King's speech. Addressed to all parents in the thirteen united colonies, by a friend to posterity and mankind. V. Letter to Lord Dartmouth, by an English American. VI. Observations on Lord North's conciliatory plan, by Sincerus. To which is added, an appendix to Common sense: together with an address to the people called Quakers, on their testimony concerning kings and government, and the present commotions in America

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Printed and sold by Edes & Gill at the printing-office in Queen-Street 1776 USA, Boston 44 sidor. 12⁰.